Saturday, December 18, 2021


Man is a social animal and hence need the company of others. This statement stands true in some sense but it has some negative impact as well. We are programmed since birth with the ideas of dependence over the company, friends, relatives, etc. This programming not only limits our notions but also narrows our spectrum of perceiving things with different frames and different angles. We often consider this belief of social dependence so seriously that we start rejecting our very own thoughts and hence one way or the other just try to attain the attention of others by doing the stuff that pleases others. We just keep on depressing our pragmatic and logical thoughts and keep on dwelling ourselves into the pit of these preconceived notions. 

Well, everything has its own importance in its own way. Social relationships are important and we need to maintain these as well but caring too much by going out of the way and after disturbing your own integrity doesn't seem good, right?

Now, facing the reality of life, the real truth is, no one gonna stand by your side at your lows. You're the only one who gonna face the miseries of your life. There's a quote saying, Don't depend too much on anyone in this world because your own shadow leaves you when you are in darkness. Well, this quote is too deep philosophically and the depth of the quote grabs our attention. So, let's break it down and try to understand the real meaning of standing alone.
Standing alone simply means being bold enough to make own decisions without caring for others and without considering the "log kya kahenge'' statement. Caring about the opinions of others always limit your potential of thinking out of the box, limits your process of growth, make you the product of biases and ultimately transform you into someone sculptured by social decisions. As a result, you lose your real identity. 
So, if you can't withstand social opinions then you literally end up being a dependent body who is nothing in a real sense but a puppet controlled by society, incapable of making his own decisions and paralysed to take actions on his own. So the thing is, you need to have the courage of cherishing your choices and your decisions. You must be able to defend your opinions and you should be able to differentiate what's right and what's wrong completely on the basis of your abilities and not by the influence of society. 


 Learning is a process that literally requires nothing but a will and desire to learn. Life itself is the biggest teacher one ever got and h...