Let's understand the reason behind the white color of our teeth first. The portion of our teeth that is visible is the Crown of the tooth. The outermost part of the crown is made of Enamel. Enamel is the thick outer layer of the crown that is mainly composed of components of Calcium. This calcium tends to be white in color hence, imparting white color to the enamel resulting in the white color of the teeth.
Beneath the enamel, there is Dentin, which is yellowish in color. With time and because of erosion of the layer of enamel, the white color of teeth starts fading away, giving a light yellow appearance to the tooth. So, the white color of teeth is because of Enamel and the yellowish appearance of teeth is due to the visibility of the layer of dentin.
White teeth and Health! ;
Whenever it comes to the health of teeth, most of us judge it by looking at the color of the tooth, "If a tooth is flashy white means the tooth is healthy and if not, they may have problems", which is not true at all. A clear white tooth may have problems and maybe unhealthy.
We cant guess the conditions of teeth just by looking at the color of the tooth. A number of problems initiate from the internal structures that aren't visible externally. These problems are the indications of bad oral health.
Let's understand this with the help of an example of tooth decay.
Tooth decay and various other infections may develop inside the tooth, which may not be visible with the naked eyes. Tooth decay may start in pits and fissures of teeth. One needs X-ray devices in order to locate these tooth problems.
Similarly, one can have a white pearly smile, but gums may be damaged ( i.e in unhealthy conditions ). And if gums are damaged, then white teeth are of no significance.
That's why it is suggested that one should have regular dental check-ups, enabling dentists to see if you have any signs of gum disease or some other tooth problems. These conditions can often be completely eradicated if caught early on but otherwise may soon become chronic and damage.