Thursday, October 1, 2020

Male dominance || Patriarchy

In society, no matter in which country you are living, the concept of male dominance exists and we cant deny this fact. We all are quite aware of it and we had seen the live examples in our very own society as well. Thinking about males being the only dominant creature in existence is an absurdity that challenges our beliefs and our learnings as well.

There don't exist any criteria to classify males and females that who's gonna dominate. There are things in which males are better and there are things in which females are dominant as well. So why we always live in the misconception of this male dominance? Thinking that males are the most powerful out there is just foolishness. 
From the past, we are taught like morons that males are the only characters that are demanded in our society, females are not worthy, etc, which is nothing but just a false notion. Even at that time females were worthy enough but the only reason was their exploitation and the way males and society used to treat women. We had always seen women as just a simple, recessive, and an easily dominatable structure that we are not able to remove our blind folded eye from this paradox. A woman holds values, rights, and more importantly, the power of dominance as well.
Today when we make a quick view around us we will find how women are leading in every field and are even dominating males at every part of life so, how can we say that males are dominating characters?

INDIA and male dominance:

 Before getting into it, let me introduce you to the term, Patriarchy simply means ''a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.'' 
We Indians are following this concept of patriarchy for a very long time and I know today the things are changing and women are getting equal rights and are treated the way men are but still there is a huge community of people who still consider women and girls like recessive objects and are dominating them physically as well as psychologically. The community may belong to the family, relatives, or other people from the neighborhood. Each day number of cases are registered about domestic violence on women, rapes, etc. This explains the treatment we are giving to the women in our society.
We can't deny that even today number of people wants their first child as a son and not a daughter. I can't explain the mentality behind this kind of thinking but I'm definitely sure about the treatment of the first child as a daughter in that family i.e quite harsh and unexpected. 
In a number of villages, the female child is still not allowed to go to school though she wanted to study. 
Women are supposed to leave their jobs after marriage in order to satisfy family needs. This doesn't make any sense even but it's true. This challenges our learnings and our ideas that on one side we are progressing in all fields and on the other side we are treating women like hell.
It is this concept of male dominance that one way or the other is responsible to give rise to the number of social evils like domestic violence, female foeticide, dowry demands, and many more.

Conclusion and my opinions;

Being raised up in a family where I and my sister both were treated equally when I come to realize how women are ill-treated in our society, I was quite shocked. The number and data available on the internet describing violence against women really shocked me up and even lead me to tears. Now the solution to this is simple. We are needed to challenge our false beliefs that are stuck in our minds. We need to understand the importance of a girl child in society. We need to moralize our children and make them realize that both men and women are equal and both deserve equal respect. We need to completely condemn the ideas of male dominance, patriarchy, etc. We need to make education a legal right for everyone irrespective of their gender. Special laws should be introduced against those who commit crimes against women.

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