Sunday, November 1, 2020

Seriousness of Oral health in India.

 We are well aware of the fact, how irresponsible we are whenever it comes to our health especially oral health. We know the importance of our oral structures like teeth, gums, tongue, etc but still, we don't care about these and keep on ignoring the things. Before proceeding, just ask yourself about your last visit to a dentist. I'm sure more than 90% of you hadn't visited any dentist for years for your healthy checkup though it is advised to visit your dentist at least once every six months.

Talking about self-care, do you change your toothbrush every three or four months? If not, then pal you need to start taking your oral health seriously. A person usually visits the dentist only when he suffers. The pain associated with a toothache or any other oral disease is usually unbearable and only then the person realizes oral health and the importance of the visit to the dentist. So, stop waiting for the occurrence of serious problems and start taking oral health seriously.  

Oral problems in Developing and Developed countries:

The problem of oral health is mainly associated with the developing and underdeveloped regions. In developed countries, people usually care about their oral structures equally like any other body organ like heart, brain, etc. Now the reason behind this may be the lack of awareness/seriousness in the underdeveloped and developing countries or the lack of proper instruments and facilities. Truly speaking both the problems are equally responsible for bad oral health. People don't understand how important it is to preserve oral tissues and maintain a healthy oral environment. This happens because of the lack of awareness and knowledge related to oral health. 

Being associated with dental sciences, I realized how irresponsible the people are with respect to their their oral health. Most people visit dental hospitals only when their pain is out of their control or their oral disease has already reached its critical stage. Sometimes people come to the dentist when their oral tissues get more than 60 to 80% damaged. This thing shocks me and makes me think, every time I encounter such condition that how careless these people are, how neglecting and ignoring these people are, who are just not caring about the part that is associated with the main senses like taste, speech, etc, helps in the process of digestion, maintain aesthetics and many more. Everyone wanted a good looking face and an attractive smile, Is it possible to achieve this without achieving good oral health? 

Oral health - A taboo in India

We just can't deny the fact that we give less preference to oral health as compared to our general health and this becomes a traditional custom continuing from our ancestors. Our elders used to visit the dentist only in case of severe deterioration of teeth or some tooth removal just if there is extreme pain and the pain becomes really unbearable and this same psychology is getting passed on from generation to generation. People don't give a shit about their dental health in our country. A kind of belief is established in the Indian subconscious that oral health isn't worthy enough to care for and maybe this is the reason why more than 70% of school children are suffering from dental caries and more than 90% of the adult population is affected by periodontal disease.

The reasons behind bad oral health:

~Excessive tobacco usage

India is the world's 2nd largest producer of tobacco with an estimated annual production of around 800 million kgs. No doubt, if production is at such a large scale so its consumption would be on a large scale as well. There are approximately 120 million smokers in India. and India is home to 12% of the world's smokers. Such a huge amount of smokers and tobacco consumers in India. More than 10 million die each year due to tobacco in India. 

Now describing a little, tobacco is the cause of numerous oral diseases like Smoker’s Melanosis, Nicotinic Stomatitis, Gingival Recession, and even oral cancer.

Now consumption of tobacco at such a large scale and also ignoring dental health. How can this work, mate?

~Sugary food consumption

Our food and our lifestyle also affect our oral health. Tooth caries and tooth decay may result because of consuming excess sugary foods and carbonated beverages.

~Wrong brushing habits

Brushing twice a day is suggested for good oral health. Ask yourself about your regular brushing habits and routinely brushing schedule and you will get your answer whether you care for your teeth or not.

~Lack of Awareness and less development in the field of dentistry

In comparison to developed countries like the USA, France, Italy, etc, our country isn't that developed in terms of dental equipment and oral health care centers. Also, people are not very much aware of oral health. A number of people still don't know even if there exists such a branch of medicine. And maybe this would be the reason behind such neglection of oral health as well. 

What to do now?

We know the concept of oral health is not that old in our country. We are ignoring oral health for decades. Now, it's quite difficult to improve the oral health conditions of the whole country immediately. It requires time, our joint efforts i.e efforts from the dental personnel as well as from the people (patients). 

Oral health should be introduced as a basic subject so that even children come to know what exactly oral health and oral problems are. Adding more, most cases of dental caries are founded in children. So, they are needed to be more educated about their oral health.

Dental Camps should be organized at different places, especially in the backward and remote areas  so that even the people living there also gets the proper oral health facilities.

The establishment of more Oral health care centers is also needed.

Stay healthy and visit your dentist regularly.


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