Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Life and Changes


"What you have taken, has been from here. What you gave has been given here. What belongs to you today belonged to someone yesterday and will be someone else's tomorrow. Change is the Law of the Universe." - Bhagavad Gita

Considering the most powerful statement by Lord Krishna himself, the impact of change in life can be appreciated. Change is something that becomes a necessity in order to survive in this universe. Man is an evolving creature and is adopting the changes for ages for the continuation of the survival of the human species. We had been evolving for thousands of years and finally became efficient to cope with the environment.
Keeping the evolutionary reference aside, let's talk about the change needed in human nature in order to maintain healthy relationships, a positive attitude, hustling spirit, kind nature, etc. 

Mistakes - Walking stone for Change
A man is a Mannequin of mistakes and hence holds the capacity of doing a number of mistakes daily. Now, doing a mistake isn't something shameful or something you need to be afraid of, but learning nothing and repeating the same mistake again is the cause of concern or shame. With mistakes, man learns numerous stuff, learns the ability to tackle situations efficiently and confidently. 
In order to rectify your mistake, you need to change your mindset, approach, etc and adapt yourself accordingly.

Adapting the change - Step towards prosperity
Now, there's a quite simple formula for a happy and prosperous life i.e go on adapting the change. Even in evolutionary terms, humans need to adapt to the changes in order to survive. 
So, there was a businessman in the town, who was manufacturing hand-made snacks for the last twenty years and was earning huge. Now, even after the introduction of modern packaging machines, scientific equipment, he wasn't accepting the modern advanced technical skills and hence was resisting the change. As a result, his business started suffering because of more intensive human labor requirements and more time-consuming processes as compared to the other new business player in the market, who were using advanced manufacturing instruments. Finally, after few years he filed for bankruptcy because of continuous losses. 
Now, we can predict the importance of adapting the change to lead our life towards prosperity.

Human Psychology and change
We experience changes on a regular basis. We keep on changing our nature, our ideas, problem-solving approaches, etc. Sometimes the changes are small that hardly affect our lives but sometimes our lives get drastically affected after adopting the change. Our behavior, outlook, attitude, physical response, verbal response, in fact, the whole human personality welcomes the change on a daily basis.
So, if we're so much influenced by change already, what's the need to resist? In fact, adapt to it and go with the flow. Nature has already blessed human minds with the ability to adapt, why we're actually destroying the ability and challenging nature to exploit us?

Barriers to change
The only barrier that mainly affects the change is the fear of losing our comfort zone. We, human beings are so much obsessed with comfort that we don't want to experimentise ourselves, we don't want to try new and different stuff, we can't handle failures and sufferance and hence, we resist the change, but, it's not true. You need to suffer in order to get the best out of you, you need to try new stuff in order to conclude how things actually work. Finally, you need to adapt to the change.

Keep changing. Keep improving yourself.



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