One way or the other, criticism somehow affects all human beings. Everyone, in their life once or more had faced it. Some may resist it and some may be taken it quite seriously like it's gonna ruin their life. Let's discuss something about the criticism we usually face and some effects associated with it.
What is criticism?
In general terms, criticism refers to the expression of disapproval of someone or something on the basis of perceived faults or mistakes.
No one wants the other person to lead in any way so the person has only one way to prove himself i.e by criticizing the others. People usually criticize by finding faults in all things whether the faults are big or just a little flaw, which may be a natural human tendency. We all are humans and we commit mistakes. We are not perfect. We are full of flaws and there is the probability of doing wrong as well if a person tries anything, which ultimately brings criticism to the person.
There is no denying the fact that in our Indian society, criticism has been a part of our life like it's a daily bread and butter meal. One gets criticized by a number of people in society, no matter he has done something wrong or not.
Criticism affecting minds;
Every coin has two sides. Similarly, every point of view has different perspectives. One thinks in another way and another person think in a different way so we usually cannot satisfy everyone by our opinion and our choices.
If a person wants to opt Arts in his 11th standard, he/she is free to join. Who are we to judge the person and criticize the person on this behalf?
but we cannot live in peace without making any compliment over it like how can he opt for arts when science is there, Wasn't he capable enough to take science, etc, etc. These remarks don't make any sense but still, we found it useful somehow without caring about the person for which these remarks are passing on.
One may take these criticizing remarks as fun and even enjoy them but all are not the same. Some may consider these remarks too strong to bear. Our stupid remarks can somehow even affect the mental level of someone as well. But unfortunately, no one is free enough to think about this or maybe people don't find this topic anyhow important for the developing students, children and even adults as well.
Some people are so capable and so strongly developed that they use the criticism as building bricks for multi-storeyed buildings and some are not that capable and are weak in order to bear this criticism and tends to lose their morale, self-respect and stop doing their work for which they were criticized, though the work would bring billions of dollars and huge fame in the future and here lies the main problem with the criticism.
Talking about criticism can be constructive as well as destructive.
Constructive criticism brings results and Destructive one brings destruction, as the name signifies.
Constructive criticism helps you to grow and prosper but destructively taking criticism always brings harm and loss in life.
So in this way, we can take the criticism as constructively as well as destructively. It completely depends on us how we want to react to criticism.
If a teacher, in a serious way telling I cant top in exams and I somehow proves the teacher wrong by topping the exams, this shows the constructive criticism i.e I constructively took the criticism and build something out of it but if on the other hand I took my teacher seriously and started blaming myself for not topping in the exam and take my mental peace to the level of negativity that I really cannot top in exams would bring destruction only, making me a victim of destructive criticism.
Hence its completely depends on the mind and the intellectual treatment of the person to handle criticism i.e in a positive/constructive or negative/destructive way.
Is there any need to take criticism seriously?
The majority of people including me at any part of their life would have realized that taking criticism seriously was nothing but a piece of crap that has nothing but just a temporary effect in life. In a real sense, taking it seriously or reacting to it, going out of the way of progress was just foolishness we mostly do, resisting criticism, which is just a stupid thing that one comes to realize after it's done. So, taking criticism so seriously and then completely shifting the target is practically an illiterate thing, basically of no use. But up to some extent, you can activate and use it in a constructive way as I explained earlier.
A number of books explained with real-life examples of how constructive criticism changed the life of a number of successful people. So we can say that criticism isn't that bad but the way we use to react to it is. Here again, comes the two sides of a coin.
Conclusion and My opinion :
At last, from whatever I have learned in my life and after reading different - different books, I came to a conclusion that sometimes Criticism is good and sometimes it may be bad but the most important thing, we have to realize here is that we need to know how to handle it in a right way. We should be able to differentiate the concept of positive and negative i.e we must know by which way this gonna affect my life i.e whether it will prosper my life or change my life to disguise.
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