Growing in an Indian society always teaches you a lot. One experiences different things, learn a number of things from the people, one is surrounded by. The basic education of learning initiates from home. When a child is born, the pampering and the love, the child gets from his parents is just unconditional and pure. This is a good thing that we grew up in such a loving atmosphere where we are treated like a lord. No matter whether we deserve it or not but parents never let us down at any cost. We always get what we want, all our wishes are always fulfilled by our parents and maybe that's the reason, we push ourselves towards expectations only. As a result, we also expect life to remain this kind and loving always and when the unexpected things happen, we find ourselves nowhere. We feel broken, incomplete, depressed and try to finish ourself and maybe thats the biggest flaw here. Lets try to understand it a little more.
Basic reason behind this ;
The main reason behind this is that we are so specially treated by our parents that we hadn't faced anything, we hadn't faced the reality, the reality which is quite different from our expectations. We hadn't seen failure and as a result, when we are hitted by failure on our own, our whole dream of the previous pampered life, broken up!
Everytime a child falls, his mother runs in order to raise the child and starts pampering the child which is good but somehow when we flip the other side of the coin, we found this makes the child dependent on his mom i.e next time when the child will fall, he'll expects the same i.e the mother will come and raise him up. This leads the child towards a dependency. We usually are not able to highlight this dependency in young age or as a child because it's not that big issue but we also can't deny the fact that small steps brings the greater results.
We usually see in a middle class family, when a child ask his parents to bring him some pet etc, the parents usually sayS 'NO' and that too in a quite sarcastic way. The sarcasm here is like, "tu abhi khud apni responsibilty utha nahi sakta toh kuttey (here referring the pet) ki khaak uthayega". This is a very popular sarcasm in a typical Indian middle class families and I hope you'll find it somehow relatable as well.Even I had experiencedthe same. Parents are not wrong at all in saying this and making us realise our responsibilities. Now let's again flip the coin and discuss it with a new perspective. Parents can also say that you should get a pet so that you would be have to learn to hold responsibilities but they usually don't do this. Again it's not a big mistake but somehow this is also responsible for making us dependent on the others, well, parents in this case.
Our Expectations always ruin us!
Expecting someone to do the thing that is right, according to our very own perspective and then got disappointed because the person didn't met our expectations. Isn't it quite weird that we want someone to do something that is liked by us and if the person is unable to do the same, we kind of feel dejected.
We are so much obsessed with ourself that we don't want to accept the fact that we have flaws as well. We may have limitations and we can commit mistakes as well. We are humans and not the God. So, Who the hell, we are to expect that the other person would do the thing that will always fulfil our expectations?
And if the person fulfil our expectations then we feel satisfied, great, joyful and if not then
Our faces fade off like hell. So isn't it okay not to expect something and just cherish the result always.
Our brain is always treated in a way that we are superior, we are best and so on but we never realised that there are others as well.
In short, we cant expect anything from others because expectation usually bring sadness and unwanted results. We must understand life isn't fair always. Sometimes we get what we want and sometimes we use to face failure as well but this doesn't mean you start losing hope in life. The main thing to be highlighted here is just do your work sincerely with full dedication and then just enjoy the results.
Opinions of others;
We usually work in order to attain the appraisal of others. We are so much bounded in a very small circle of opinions and praises of others that we totally forget our own desires. A number of times, we work in order to satisfy others instead of working for our own happiness and our own mind's peace. During childhood, we study to achieve good marks, good rank in order to make parents happy, during our twenties, we work to attain a special and a good status to survive in a society of people with the same mentality. In other words, major portion of our life is just spent by us for others so when are we gonna enjoy the life for our ownself! The day, we all will start working for ourselves without caring about the opinion and perspective of others, we will start living in real sense.
How important Self Esteem is!
Self Esteem, quite an interesting term, but very complicated in nature. Self Esteem is nothing but our very own evaluation of ourselves i.e a opinion for ourselves, how capable and deserving we are!
It's complicated, not because it's difficult to maintain but because we usually aren't trained in a way to live with a raised and a high self esteem.
Majority of time self esteem is associated with the new things we try to do, in other words the new skills we try to establish that brings a feeling of satisfaction and self development. The skill that somehow gives us the feeling of pride and pleasure. But because of restrictions or some barriers of society, family or various other factors, we are just unable to develop this property of self esteem and hence felt left off. We realise about the power of self esteem quite lately in life and then the only thing left with us is cursing the past and regrets for it, which doesn't make any sense. So it's important to consider self esteem and focus to raise it up.
Passion - what's the need?
Passion, a word seems very interesting and very oftenly used by everyone these days. Passion is something that really keeps us alive when we are hardly hitted upon. Passion is something that can help us growing both physically as well as psychologically. Following the passion ultimately brings result and more importantly the pleasure and happiness that everyone wants in life. Passion is responsible for the growth of individual in a real sense and you just can't deny this truth but wait let me introduce you to the basic Indian mentality regarding passion and passion following.
Aren't we living in a society where after 10th, the main focus of the parents is to let their child having engineering or medical mainly, like no other fields exist for them. This is the reason the number of doctors and engineers produced by India per year is more than the entire population of some countries. Why we are not allowed to opt something for our passion. If one wants to be a photographer or dancer, what's the fun of doing engineering then, right?
So, we need to understand here that sometimes we need to take actions that may go against the society and may against parents as well so you must convince your parents and start following your passion because passion ultimately brings results and merely the work done with passion brings a ray of satisfaction in life.
Are friends important?
No doubt friends plays a very important role in life but selecting a friend circle is equally important. "A man is known by the company he keeps" goes quite famous saying. So it's important for us to select our friend circle in such a way that profits us and help us growing constructively, otherwise destruction isn't far enough. Good friends help you keep growing, keeps you motivated, helps you achieving your goals etc but if friend circle is ruined then most chances are there that you'll ruin your life as well.
Choose friend that help you growing constructively and not destructively.
Conclusion ;
Everyone has different perspectives of life. Some prefer enjoying it and some prefer wasting it. It is completely dependent on the mentality and the thinking level of an individual that how he wants to live. I'm noone to tell you how to live but here I have mentioned some of my very own experiences and the way I perceive life. I discussed something that somehow affected my growth and had resisted prosperity in my life as well.
Hope you all will have a great and prosperous life ahead.
Enjoy your life and work to attain your goals.
Good Luck!
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