Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Is destiny always blameable? || Let's break the illusion!

Believing in destiny or considering destiny as a myth is completely a choice. You can believe it and blame it for your success as well as for your failures. I believe destiny has existence and we are surely affected by it as well but blaming destiny for everything doesn't make sense to me. Let me explain it in a little expanded way.

Is destiny always blameable? The topic seems quite interesting because we frequently make use of the statement "Maybe it's not in my destiny!". This clearly shows our obsession with oneself that we completely ignore the other factors and play a game of victims and solely throw the blame on destiny. 

"I lost my job. My destiny ruined my life. It wasn't in my destiny!". 

Consider the statement mentioned above as an example and think, a person loses his job and then he blames his destiny for this loss without actually figuring out the main reasons and looking for the cause of the same. Maybe he wasn't worthy of the job, maybe he wasn't working the hard that was required to continue the job, Maybe his boss wasn't satisfied by his performance, etc and etc. The reasons may be numerous but blaming destiny for the loss is nothing but bullshit. It just shows the absurdity of the human mind. You don't work hard in order to prosper and then after hitting failure, charge destiny with the title. Don't you think, this is worthless and makes no sense at all. 

Does Destiny Exist?

I can't deny the fact of the existence of destiny. We all are working like machines, controlled by destiny. We all are just moving in the direction of the flow and this direction of flow is decided by our destiny. So, destiny exists and play a very crucial role in our life.

How destiny affects and is it always blameable?

Person A: I was preparing for my entrance exams. I spent 3-4 hours studying daily in order to crack it but I ended up failing the exam. I wasn't selected. My destiny sucks and I am really ill-fated.

Now, here, in this situation, person A is just playing the blame game and completely throwing the whole blame on his destiny without considering his very own flaws, mistakes, and efforts. He blamed destiny without considering the fact of whether he deserved it or not. Everyone knows, how hard one has to work in order to crack any entrance exam, and how much effort and hours are required in order to crack any competitive exam. Now, after just studying for 2 or 3 hours, how can you expect that you will be cracking the exam. There is a probability that he could have cracked the exam but we can't deny the effect and existence of hard work as well. Along with hard work, certain other factors like smart work, dedication, etc are also responsible but without hard work and dedication, you cannot just blame destiny for your failures. 

Does Destiny have no Significance?

 Destiny may a primary factor, no doubt but without hard work, struggle, effort, perseverance, and dedication, destiny is nothing. Only destiny doesn't gonna lead you toward prosperity and help you climb the ladder of success in your life. Suppose a person is working hard for his dreams. He is investing his days and nights in order to establish his empire and trying his best to figure out all the possible strategies in order to be successful in the same. Then suddenly, he is stuck by some recession or any kind of crisis, which ultimately leads him to failure. Now, in this case, we can say that he maybe was been affected by destiny because the things in his hands were hard work, consistency, and regular efforts and he was using these tools effectively as well, even then, he fails. Maybe here destiny can be blamed. So, we can't say that destiny has no significance at all.

What I think ;

I am very much sure about the existence of destiny and I believe destiny is responsible for all our achievements and our failures as well but the thing I want to highlight here is, You at least give your one hundred percent before blaming destiny. Try to do the work wholeheartedly, without caring about the results. Once you gave your best, then there comes the role of destiny, which decides whether you deserve the same or not. Without hard work and complete dedication, destiny don't gonna pay you more. In short, hard work and dedication along with perseverance can bring results, and then there comes the role of destiny that decides whether you deserve it or not. So, work in a dedicated way and take the responsibility for your actions, without blaming destiny. The only thing you can do is perform your best and then let destiny decides the rest.

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