Life is full of hurdles and ups and downs, that we can't even imagine. There is a huge difference between what we expect from life and what we really get. Let's understand a little more about life.
Being a person with the mentality of putting down efforts without much thinking about the results, I believe in not expecting anything from anyone. The only person to be blamed for my all profits, as well as my losses, is me. If I'm the one, who's responsible for my every cause so, what's the fun of expectations? Also, there's a huge difference between expectations and reality so instead of expecting anything, start relishing reality.
Reality is something, you can't run away from. You have to face it one day or the other. Life isn't poetry or some illusion. You're not living in a delusional world where living in some kind of dream will solve your problems. You have to face your problems, you have to look for solutions and you have to choose the one that is best for you. The blame game or the victim card doesn't gonna work all the time. You have to hold the responsiblity for all your efforts and performances.
Is life favorable?
Not always, life is favorable only if you take the authority and power into your own hands, otherwise, only others gonna dominate you. Whether money or status, a man can be easily dominated if he is not able to control his emotions. These so-called emotions are one way or the other responsible for making your life favorable and unfavorable as well.
Time and misfortune.
We usually relate our time and misfortune. ''Bro, we both started together but today he is earning six figures and I'm still at the four-figure salary. He is settled in the States and I'm still rubbing my ass off in this small company''.
This whole thought process is just giving rise to envy and rage inside you. Being in the situation I mentioned above, there may occur two different situations based on your perspectives. One is either you relate this whole thing to your misfortune and start taking life as it comes, without leaving any chance to curse your life. The other case is you start working harder so that you'd also be able to reach the heights as your so-called friend is.
Most of us will agree with the second case of working hard instead of cursing life but I have another perspective and that is the way of perceiving the whole situation. You can work hard, instead, you should work hard to achieve those heights but not while looking at your friend or because he is in such a state, you also wanted to be at the same. You work on your own without considering others and without even worrying about the figures. Trust me, perseverance and hard work, these two weapons that can dominate anything in this world.
Either prove or leave!
If you are supporting something and you literally have no logical validations or some experimental and logical data to prove the same, then trust me, no one will give a damn. To prove yourself, you need to prove the thing based on logic and proper validations otherwise, don't expect the results. This is the reality. In this world, no one trusts you until you validate and that's the reality you need to accept. Start accepting this and act wisely.
People will come and criticize you for a number of things for shitty reasons that have no validation in life. Your only job of you is to ignore such shit and keep on doing the same.
Deception and guilt for the past.
Life is full of experiences. We learn numerous things every day. We literally keep on learning our whole life, so, there is no big deal if you did something wrong or committed some mistake. The majority of us, once or more are cheated or gone through problems like breakups, etc. These things are normal and they don't deserve your precious time. These all situations are like different chapters of a book. You can't ignore all chapters while focussing on that one chapter. Try to forget the mistakes and act immediately for new beginnings.
Act of Delaying.
The only thing that resists us from achieving anything in our life is our procrastination. We are so much dominated by our laziness that we keep on delaying everything, even after knowing that this gonna hurt us in the future. I know, we all have this tendency, and it's basic human nature. You need not worry but you need to overcome this procrastination. Our procrastination is our biggest enemy so hustle hard and avoid procrastination.