Monday, October 26, 2020
Motivation - External vs. Internal.
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Is destiny always blameable? || Let's break the illusion!
Believing in destiny or considering destiny as a myth is completely a choice. You can believe it and blame it for your success as well as for your failures. I believe destiny has existence and we are surely affected by it as well but blaming destiny for everything doesn't make sense to me. Let me explain it in a little expanded way.
Is destiny always blameable? The topic seems quite interesting because we frequently make use of the statement "Maybe it's not in my destiny!". This clearly shows our obsession with oneself that we completely ignore the other factors and play a game of victims and solely throw the blame on destiny.
"I lost my job. My destiny ruined my life. It wasn't in my destiny!".
Consider the statement mentioned above as an example and think, a person loses his job and then he blames his destiny for this loss without actually figuring out the main reasons and looking for the cause of the same. Maybe he wasn't worthy of the job, maybe he wasn't working the hard that was required to continue the job, Maybe his boss wasn't satisfied by his performance, etc and etc. The reasons may be numerous but blaming destiny for the loss is nothing but bullshit. It just shows the absurdity of the human mind. You don't work hard in order to prosper and then after hitting failure, charge destiny with the title. Don't you think, this is worthless and makes no sense at all.
Does Destiny Exist?
I can't deny the fact of the existence of destiny. We all are working like machines, controlled by destiny. We all are just moving in the direction of the flow and this direction of flow is decided by our destiny. So, destiny exists and play a very crucial role in our life.
How destiny affects and is it always blameable?
Person A: I was preparing for my entrance exams. I spent 3-4 hours studying daily in order to crack it but I ended up failing the exam. I wasn't selected. My destiny sucks and I am really ill-fated.
Now, here, in this situation, person A is just playing the blame game and completely throwing the whole blame on his destiny without considering his very own flaws, mistakes, and efforts. He blamed destiny without considering the fact of whether he deserved it or not. Everyone knows, how hard one has to work in order to crack any entrance exam, and how much effort and hours are required in order to crack any competitive exam. Now, after just studying for 2 or 3 hours, how can you expect that you will be cracking the exam. There is a probability that he could have cracked the exam but we can't deny the effect and existence of hard work as well. Along with hard work, certain other factors like smart work, dedication, etc are also responsible but without hard work and dedication, you cannot just blame destiny for your failures.
Does Destiny have no Significance?
Destiny may a primary factor, no doubt but without hard work, struggle, effort, perseverance, and dedication, destiny is nothing. Only destiny doesn't gonna lead you toward prosperity and help you climb the ladder of success in your life. Suppose a person is working hard for his dreams. He is investing his days and nights in order to establish his empire and trying his best to figure out all the possible strategies in order to be successful in the same. Then suddenly, he is stuck by some recession or any kind of crisis, which ultimately leads him to failure. Now, in this case, we can say that he maybe was been affected by destiny because the things in his hands were hard work, consistency, and regular efforts and he was using these tools effectively as well, even then, he fails. Maybe here destiny can be blamed. So, we can't say that destiny has no significance at all.
What I think ;
I am very much sure about the existence of destiny and I believe destiny is responsible for all our achievements and our failures as well but the thing I want to highlight here is, You at least give your one hundred percent before blaming destiny. Try to do the work wholeheartedly, without caring about the results. Once you gave your best, then there comes the role of destiny, which decides whether you deserve the same or not. Without hard work and complete dedication, destiny don't gonna pay you more. In short, hard work and dedication along with perseverance can bring results, and then there comes the role of destiny that decides whether you deserve it or not. So, work in a dedicated way and take the responsibility for your actions, without blaming destiny. The only thing you can do is perform your best and then let destiny decides the rest.
Thursday, October 15, 2020
Others Vs Self || Breaking the Rule
We usually get trapped in different critical situations, where we needed to choose between two things, one is 'some work, favor or anything related to our loved ones'. The loved ones may be our parents, our other family members, close friends, etc. And the other thing is 'our very own work'. This work may be of any kind, for a student, it may be a home assignment as well. After getting trapped in such a situation, what we do?
Before beginning, recall any event and think about what you did in such a situation.
Now, let's break it more;
Whenever we are trapped in such two phasic situations, where we are unable to do them both at the same time, we usually use to choose the one that pleases others. Let's discuss this with the help of an example.
Suppose as a student you are given a home assignment and you have to complete it in the evening but at the same time, you have to take your parents out for any marriage party. You are very well aware that assignment is more important than anyone's marriage party. Assignment, in one way or the other, will directly affect your career and your future and you are very well aware of this fact even then you'll choose to go to marriage with parents just to please your parents.
Don't say, I'll be doing an assignment instead of going to marriage. Everyone is well known about the mentality of a child, student, etc (leaving the exceptions and considering the majority)
The reason behind this;
As the majority of the people will do that marriage portion and not the assignment portion, what's the reason behind this?
Why we don't want to do our very own work?
Why we work to please others?
Why we use to ignore our own happiness and work for the happiness of others?
The answer to these questions is quite simple. We are grown up in an atmosphere where we focus more on the happiness of others. Others mainly the people we like and love. We're treated the way since our childhood that we are completely unaware of saying 'No'. In the same way, you found it difficult to say No to our Parents in the marriage case as well, as I presented above. If you would be straightforward, bold enough to represent ourselves, then was it difficult to explain the whole situation to your parents and saying No to marriage. It would be as simple as drinking a glass of water. I know this comparison may be a little shitty. So, bother me for this.
Now coming to another reason that is majorly related to our psychology and a little our human tendency. This includes a little satisfaction and pleasure. Doing home assignment wasn't a job of pleasure and we are so psychologically addicted to pleasure and satisfaction that we frequently ignore the consequences of the things. We always wanted to do the things that satisfy us and please us without realizing the fact of its after-effects. Without realizing the effects of not doing the home assignment, you will be enjoying the marriage party just for a short term enjoyment, having not any significance in real sense.
Now, What to do?
The answer is simple and really doesn't involve any rocket science or some light equations. The only thing you need to understand is the importance of everything and also the way you perceive things and reaping to the whole situation. You need to realize the consequences of everything you do whether it's spending time with friends or with books, whether it's hanging out with mates or solving trigonometric equations. You're required to act maturely in every situation, understanding the after-effects of everything you do. Doing something just to please someone is nothing but absurdity, that is basically affecting you and you only. So stop working for the satisfaction of others. Working for self-satisfaction brings peace, happiness, and more importantly a feeling of achievement and prosperity.
So, start working for yourself first. Helping others isn't bad but going out of the way to help others doesn't make any sense.
Thursday, October 8, 2020
Weight loss is a quite trending and one of the most searched topics on the internet. This shows how desperately people want to get rid of this excess weight but are unable to do the same. The main reason behind not losing weight is the effort and a little harsh treatment we need to perform with our body. Mind you, harsh in terms of control over food and workout only. I personally came across a number of people who strongly wanted to lose weight and live a fit life but are unable to do so. They use to do regular workouts and are also dieting but somehow are not losing the weight up to the required extent. So, I am going to give you around 10 tips in order to boost your weight-loss practices. Using these tips, you can boost your weight loss journey up to a great extent. So let's jump into it!
Tip 1: Make some required calculations
As we are doing weight loss in an efficient way without very harsh struggle so we need to make some efficient calculations of or body first. With the help of a calorie calculator, calculate the required calories that your body needs in order to work properly i.e the calories required for the performance of all functions of the body, then take a diet and perform a workout accordingly. This is important so as to maintain the necessary energy and the body's requirements.
Tip 2 : Plenty of Water
As we all know the importance of water, so, we need to take an adequate amount of water during the weight loss journey as well. Water is very important for our body and is highly demanded by our body for the elimination of waste products easily and water is the only solvent that can have no harmful effects on the body. Also, we can consume as much water as we want because of its zero-calorie effect.
Tip 3 : Complete sleep
For proper functioning and metabolism of the human body, sleep is an essential component. Try to sleep for at least 6-7 hours. The best time for sleep is 10:00pm to 4:00am. You can adjust the timing according to your availability. Timing may vary but try to have at least 6 hours of sleep.
Tip 4: Black coffee or Green tea
Intake of Black coffee or green tea can boost your weight loss journey up to a certain extent. So instead of full-toned milk tea or coffee with milk, drink black coffee or green tea.
Adding cinnamon to black coffee can increase its effect and immunity as well. Try to have black coffee before the workout i.e during the pre-workout session because it spikes your insulin and hence can be proven beneficial for workouts as well.
Tip 5: Try Intermittent fasting
Divide your day into the ratio of 8:16. This refers to 8 hours of eating and 16 hours of fasting. 16 hours of fasting represents the stage of intermittent fasting. This is the most effective way according to my own personal experience.
If you ever feel hungry during the intermittent fasting stage, you can drink plenty of water. You can also consume fruits, nuts, zero-calorie beverages, vegetables, or salad.
Tip 6: Workout twice a day
The best way to lose weight easily is to burn calories more than the consumption. So, in order to lose weight effectively, have workout sessions twice a day. The workouts need not be extreme. Each session of 20 to 30 minutes is sufficient for effective weight loss. Working out two times can save you energy and make you less fatigue. In this way, we can burn calories in two shifts without giving extra stress to our body.
Tip 7: Avoid Fried Food and Fast food
During your weight loss journey, try to avoid fast foods and other deep-fried foods. Both these things can completely destroy your weight loss schedule and finally your dream of losing weight in order to have a good physique and a fit body. Fast food consumption is directly proportional to weight gain or obesity levels. In other words, more the fast food you consume more will be the chances of your gain in weight.
Tip 8 : Eat healthy food ( Fruits and Vegetables mainly )
Eating Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts and other protein-rich food products is just a necessity during the weight loss journey. Try to consume carbohydrates with their natural fibers and avoid carbs with refined fibers.
Eat fibrous food. Fibers are good for health and satisfy hunger easily. Fibrous food consumption can prove to be highly effective for weight loss.
Tip 9: Calorie deficit
Settle your body to a calorie deficit mode in order to lose weight in a fast and easy way. It simply means to reduce the calorie intake to a slight low than the daily body requirements.
Don't reduce the protein, fiber, or fat intake. Diet should be Deficit only in the case of carbs.
Tip 10 : Subconscious decision
You just can't lose weight if you aren't ready subconsciously so you have to prepare your subconscious mind to take the necessary steps in order to lose weight. If your subconscious mind is prepared then this journey of weight loss wouldn't be difficult rather you'll enjoy this journey.
I am sharing all these tips on the basis of my very own personal experiences. I had undergone these treatments in order to boost my weight loss journey so, I am sharing my own journey experience with you all.
Thank you!
Happy Weight Loss!
Friday, October 2, 2020
Rape Culture || Rising Crime against women!
Well, I'm quite sad and frustrated while writing my point of view over this topic but I think it's needed to be highlighted. Yes, I am talking about rapes and the injustice against women happening continuously in our society. Many cases of rapes, murder, killings are reported every day. I wonder, in countries like India, on one hand, we use to worship females as the goddess and on the other hand, we are witnessing such treatment with females. It is a matter of great concern now and we all are required to raise our voices against this.
Rapes in India;
Rapes are on such a verge in our country that Rape culture is promoting like any western culture trend. Each day around 87 cases are reported all over India and several others don't have any existence in terms of data but exist.
Let's throw light on the rape cases happening every day in India. Rape is reported as the 4th most common crime against women in India. According to some data, one woman reports raped every 15 minutes in India. I know my country is developing in all fields but I never expected its development in the field of crimes, rapes, and other inhumane treatments as well.
Like a dirty fish makes the water of the whole pond dirty, in the same way, only a group of people are destroying the pride and name of India. Whenever such a shameful act ever happens, we use to blame the government and the police only but we never blame ourselves. It is our mistake as well. Everyone is so much obsessed with his social image up to the extent that whenever their child reports about physical assault or about molestation, they simply ask to shut her mouth up. Why? Just because of their fake profile of a few cents. To hell with this thinking.
We usually see when a group of boys behaves improperly with a girl and also tries to harass her as well, parents use to ask her to avoid those bastards. Why?
Just one question from my side, Is your fake profile or so-called respect in society more worthy than your child?
We usually don't report small instances of harassment and molestation and ignore them, which in the future gives rise to bigger crimes like rapes, murders, and these days murder after rape.
Murders and Rapes are quite normal these days. A girl is raped and it takes years to serve her justice. For two days, everyone cares, shows sympathy to the victim, does protests over social media, outrages were broken out, trends hashtags of justice, and a lot more stuff, and then everyone completely forgets about it. The criminal mentality grows thinking ''who's gonna punish us. It literally will take a number of years and then what!'' And maybe this is the reason, these crimes are growing at such a positive growth rate.
Recently a very cruel incident took place in the Hathras District of UP state of our country that completely shook the whole of India. Here, a 19 yr old girl was gang-raped by a group of four. According to some reports, there was a wide-angle of ''casteism'' also involved in this. Four men of high castes gang-raped a low caste girl. I mean, Literally, casteism over humanity. Such a matter of shame for us! This is quite frustrating and after this, we can just think, how unsafe a female in our country is!
Some of the so-called intellectuals always use to blame the woman for the cause of rape by blaming her clothes and her other wearings. According to them, women are raped because they use to wear short dresses and as a result boy loses their control. Just one question to challenge their mentality, why a girl covering the whole body (usually wearing burkha) is raped then? Everyone is aware of the incidences where minors and even children are raped. What's their mistake then? Was it their clothes?
When a girl child of 4 years was raped, Was she wearing any short skirt?
This narrow mentality is one of the root causes of growing rape cases in our country. These narrow-minded people use to blame the victim for rape always, which is a nuisance in a real sense.
Because of the terror of this harassment and molestation, females are usually not allowed to leave home at night. Because of these crimes, girls use to live under a large number of strict rules and many restrictions. Girls are always asked to remain at home and not go outside. But here is also a twist, several rape cases these days are reported in which the rape is done at home and that too by some relatives of the victim. This simply means, there's no place safe for a girl these days. Whether home or road, public place, or a private apartment, women are gonna assaulted and rape always. Is this the kind of democratic and a developed country we all wanted?
How can we forget the case of Nirbhaya, which took place in December 2012, and the accused were punished in 2020. It takes more than 7 years to serve justice to Nirbhaya. Convicted were hung after 7 years. The justice was delayed by 7 years and it is often said, justice delayed is justice denied.
Many other crimes are also associated with rape culture like casteism, sexual harassment, molestation, verbal abuse, eve-teasing, etc. All these crimes are interlinked with each other and finally results in rape and murders. All these problems are needed to be tackled in order to bring some change.
Well, I'm no one to blame the law. Our judiciary is capable enough to make the right decisions at the right time always and I pray that all the victims got their justice as soon as possible. But one thing that we all needed to realize is the numbers and data. There are more than 1.3 lakh rape cases still pending in court. The number of judges is so less that more than 85% of cases are carry forwarded to the next year. Don't you think even our judiciary needs some changes as well?
A message from my side;
I just want to advise everyone to stand up and raise their voice every time they encounter any injustice. Start supporting girls and make them confident enough so that they'd be able to discuss the problems and the issues with parents and start taking legal action against convicts without any hesitation.
Along with this, every boy must be taught to respect girls. We can start this simply by introducing some basic education in schools and by running some awareness camps as well. We can tackle this problem up to a great extent by teaching and educating them. Along with education, there is a need for the introduction of self-defense classes for females as well. Every female should learn the act of self-defense as well.
A very basic education can produce a change. Proper sex education should be taught to everyone irrespective of their gender. Mainly rape cases arise because of the lack of proper sex education in our country so there is a need to introduce it.
We can also take care that whenever a girl uses to report about the case of her assault or molestation or rape, she shouldn't be undergoing any mental torture or any other pressure. She should be fully supported.
And lastly, the main thing, Start taking a stand against injustice. Start raising your voice. Start by bringing the change in yourself first, in order to change the whole system.
Jai Hind!
Thursday, October 1, 2020
Male dominance || Patriarchy
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